Scheduled Recreational Trips
Recreational trips are scheduled regularly. You can sign up to join in with a group.
Details of trips and the number of places available are available here. Check it out regularly as only the future 9 weeks are listed, so there are regular updates.
All trips include the loan of waterproof jackets and salopettes, up to date serviced and certified life jacket.
The cost is £64/person/day. Food and berthing is organised on a kitty basis.

RYA Practical Courses
The partnership with JLPSC gives LTSC members an opportunity to join RYA practical courses (Competent Crew, Day Skipper and Yacht Master) on the JLPSC yachts at a very competitive rate. For more details, including dates, costs and availability click here.
Becoming a JLPSC Skipper
The starting point is having the appropriate qualifications viz RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore. Potential skippers of JLPSC yachts would do a familiarisation sail with one of the JL Flag Officers to demonstrate their experience and be briefed on operations. This would also meet the JL insurance requirements.
Such a check would then lead to an LTSC member being an Associate Skipper for JLPSC. The JLPSC club has about 1,300 members and 40 skippers in a pool who rota slots to take members out on day and weekend (or longer) trips. So, LTSC associate skippers would be expected to share the skippering duties for a few days a year, for JLPSC members and also LTSC members to go sailing.
One of the benefits of being appointed is having the opportunity to charter the JLPSC yachts for personal use. See Private Charter of the JLPSC Yachts below...
Private Charter of the JLPSC Yachts
The skipper for a private charter must be an approved JLPSC Skipper or Associate Skipper. See Becoming a JLPSC Skipper above.
The cost of the yacht, regardless of number on board, is £160 per day for the HR34/342 + £32/person/day. For the HR36 it is £192 + £32/person/day.
Basic provisions and condiments are provided on board. All other food must be taken along or organised by participants. No optional berthing costs are included. Loan of waterproof jackets and salopettes, up to date serviced and certified life jackets is included.
Contact Details

For any further clarification or enquiries contact:-
Cherie Dodd, JLPSC Sailing Secretary sailing.secretary@johnlewis.co.uk
Neil Dunnet, LTSC Rear Commodore Cruising neildunnet@yahoo.com