The club uses Dutyman to manage the large number of members required to run dinghy racing and Saturday sailing.
These comprise Race Officer, Assistant Race Officer, Saturday Supervisor, Safety Boat Helm and Crew and the Tractor Driver.
Different types of experience are needed for each role. These are explained on the Volunteer Roster page which also enables you to see all the duties required showing which have been filled and which are awaiting volunteers.
We are also able to train members both for Race Officer and for Safety Boats. Safety Boat helms need to be qualified to RYA Power Boat 2 and we run courses to facilitate this. There is then additional training for all the roles including tractor to familiarise people with the local conditions and procedures.
Safety boat crew need little experience and volunteering for that role is a good way of getting to know both other members and the way that we work here.
You can log into Dutyman either from here or from the Volunteer Roster page to select your duties.
Click to download a simple overview of Dutyman and how to use it.
If you are subsequently unable to do your duty please arrange a swap. This can be done in Dutyman. The instructions are on the righthand side of the Dutyman screen. Only swap with someone with the same qualifications. The office will only arrange a swap for you in an emergency.